Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Home Projects

So, this is what I have been up to (plus more & will post later). I sewed some curtain panels for our family room. I think they look nice. Do you?

Here's the semi-before pic.

Thank you to my N8 for hanging them. They are perfectly straight, darling!! You are awesome!

This is our new "stairs-family-friends-frame" wall. I haven't added any photos yet. I plan to order the prints very soon. It's difficult to pick which photos to insert. I have so many wonderful ones. In the center is the 'But We Don't Dance' print by Casey O'Connell that my husband got me for Easter. I love, love, love it!!! He spoils me.

(Ignore the air vent. The builder of our home must have been a "genius" to put a big ugly vent smack in the middle of our wall. Idiot!).

Anyway, I think it's still nice. I have always wanted a wall filled with photos of all my loved ones. I will add more and more as I can. I now always keep a look out for neat frames (hopefully on sale) to add to it.

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